Rotary Vacuum Packaging Machine – When Production Requires More than the Standard Model

Posted by AMAC

Rotary Vacuum Packaging Machine – When Production Requires More than the Standard Model

Vacuum sealing has become an incredibly popular method for packaging a variety of consumer products. Many manufacturers choose it because vacuum sealing creates an air-tight package that securely protects products for an extended period of time. This type of packaging is so tight and durable that it not only extends shelf life, but is an ideal way to protect products during shipping, handling, and retail display. Manufacturers find that most often a simple vacuum sealing machine meets their needs, but when production reaches a level that is greater than a human can manually load and seal the product, it’s time to invest in a more automated and productive unit such as a rotary vacuum packaging machine.

A rotary vacuum packaging machine is exactly what it sounds like. With an innovative design, engineers have combined a rotary dial with a vacuum packaging machine to create an automated system for packaging. The machine rotates the product through the packaging stage creating a faster and more seamless production line. There is less human handling and therefore less room for human error. Additionally, it creates a faster packing assembly line and increases overall production. Along with faster processing, a rotary vacuum packaging machine offers many other benefits such as:

  • Increased Shelf Life
  • Easy Sealing
  • Product Protection
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • Reduced Mess
  • Simple Maintenance and Cleaning
  • Product Visibility

Why Choose a Rotary Vacuum Packaging Machine?

There are many vacuum packaging machines on the market, so you may be wondering why a rotary machine is the best choice. With a rotary machine you have the flexibility to set up the process from feeding bags, to loading and sealing them. This automation will increase your production and get your product to market faster and with more protective packaging.

Are You Ready to Invest in Rotary Packaging Machine?

If you have decided that a rotary vacuum packaging machine is the right packing option for your business, then it is time to select the model that will best suit your particular packaging needs. Many considerations go into the selection process, such as the proper seal, the control options, and the correct bag size and material, just to name a few. It is always best to deal with an experienced vacuum sealing manufacturer to be certain you understand all the options available to your particular packaging needs.

Selecting the machine is just part of the process, but getting the proper packaging materials is just a crucial. Films and bags come in various sizes and materials to properly seal, protect and extend the shelf life of the product.

At AMAC Technologies, we offer several designs and features that will deliver the right packing results for your unique products. Our equipment is designed with our customers in mind and provide consistent, quality-driven results needed to reduce packaging errors and increase production. Contact us to discover all the benefits available to you, or request a quote today!