Vacuum Sealing to Reduce Bulk for Shipping

Posted by AMAC

If your business is looking to reduce bulk for shipping purposes, consider  implementing the use of a vacuum sealer. There are many styles of vacuum sealing such as packaging systems that will fit film specifically to the item you are packaging, as well as nozzle vacuum sealing which removes excess air from an existing package. If you are looking to reduce bulk, from your packaged goods, a nozzle vacuuming machine is the ideal choice. These machines are conveniently sized to fit on a table or counter top, and work by using a stainless steel nozzle to vacuum oxygen out of a package, allowing it to be compressed, reducing the overall size and weight. Using a nozzle vacuum sealer from AMAC Technologies will reduce bulk for shipping purposes, allowing for ease of storage and lower shipping costs, saving money for your business.

What Items Can Be Packaged with a Vacuum Sealer? 

  • Clothing – Clothing can be vacuum sealed and compressed with a nozzle vacuum sealer, allowing for shipment in bags and mailers instead of bulky boxes plus providing reduce bulk for shipping.
  • Bedding – Items like comforters, bed sheets, and pillows are larger items that can be reduced to a fraction of their size when vacuum sealed with a nozzle vacuum sealer. These items are easy to compress without damaging, allowing them to be shipped in a more cost effective manner than if they were packaged in boxes or bags at full size.
  • Food and Electronics – In addition to reducing bulk for shipping, vacuum sealing can save money for companies that produce food items and electronics by reducing waste and damage. Vacuum sealing these items protect them from damaging elements like water or bacteria that can cause food to spoil. Vacuum sealing can ultimately reduce damage and waste saving your company money in the long run.

With an extensive line of state of the art vacuum sealing technology, AMAC Technologies can help you find the system that best fits your packaging and sealing needs. If you are looking to reduce bulk for shipping with the use of a vacuum sealer, contact us today to learn more.