Heat Shrink Printing Experts: Your Guide to Successful Shrink Label Packaging

Posted by Chela Mancuso

Why Is It Important To Work With Professional Heat Shrink Printing Experts?

Finding reliable heat shrink printing experts is essential for manufacturers that shrink label their products. Shrink labeling is a commercial packaging method in which a shrink sleeve is applied to products or a grouping of products and then heat is applied to shrink the sleeve to fit the exact size of the product being packaged. These shrink sleeves serve a few purposes. In addition to providing effective packaging, they also provide custom branding and the ability to protect products with tamper-evident seals. Packaging products with automatic shrink labelers also provide benefits like increased packaging speeds and reduced labor costs to manufacturers. For this reason, shrink labeling has become and packaging industry standard and professional heat shrink printing a necessity.

What Industries Use Shrink Labeling?

Many industries can benefit from shrink labeling their products and because this packaging method is so versatile, it is used across countless industries. Most products consumers see on the shelves in grocery stores and retail settings are or can be shrink labeled. Some common uses of shrink sleeves are in industries like cosmetics, personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies, food, and beverage to package products such as:

  • Shampoo and Conditioner Bottles
  • Sauces and Marinades
  • Lotions and Soaps
  • Vitamin Bottles and OTC Medications
  • Mouthwash
  • Craft Beer
  • Wine and Spirits
  • Cleaning Agents and Detergents

How Can Shrink Labeling Make The Packaging Process More Cost Effective?

Shrink labeling equipment like ASL-300 operate at a speed of 150 – 300 bpm absolutely hands free. This means you can increase production speed and output while reducing or eliminating labor costs. And these highly efficient and intuitive machines can be used to package multiple different items with easy change over from one style of shrink sleeve to the next. AMAC Technologies’ heat shrink labeling systems can also be used to package dual and multi-packs.

This means that you can handle all of your heat shrink labeling with one machine.

Want To Learn More About Heat Shrink Printing and Shrink Labeling Equipment?

If you want to work with shrink labeling experts that can provide you with high-quality shrink sleeves and cutting-edge shrink labeling equipment, contact AMAC Technologies! Our dedicated team of shrink labeling experts is here to answer your questions and provide you with everything you need to create the best shrink labeling system for your applications.